Modularity vs. Reusability: Code Generation from Synchronous Block Diagrams

Modularity vs. Reusability: 

Code Generation from Synchronous Block Diagrams. 

Roberto Lublinerman. StavrosTripakis Department of Computer Science and Engineering Cadence Research Laboratories 

The Pennsylvania State University UniversityPark,PA16802 


We present several methods to generate modular code from synchronous hierarchical blockdiagrams. Modularity meanscodeisgeneratedforagiven macro(i.e., composite) blockindependently from context, that is, without knowing where this blockis to be used, and also with minimal knowl-edge about its sub-blocks.We achieve thisbygeneratinga set of interface functions for eachblockand a set of depen-dencies between these functions that is exported along with the interface. The main trade-offis the degree of modular-ity (number of interface functions) vs. reusability (the set of diagrams that the block can be used in without creating dependency cycles). 

1 Introduction 

Block diagrams are a popular notation, implemented in a number of successful commercial products such as Simulink from The MathWorks 1 or SCADE from Esterel Technologies 2. These notations and tools are used to de-sign embedded software in multiple application domains and are especially widespread in the automotive and avion-ics domains. Automatic generation of code that imple-ments the semantics of such diagrams is useful in differ-ent contexts, from simulation, to model-based development where embedded software is generated automatically or semi-automatically from high-level reference models. 

To master complexity, but also to address intellectual 

.We would like to thank Allen Goldberg, Yaron Kashai and Guang Yang from Cadence for motivating this work and providing valuable feed-back.We also thankPaul Caspi fromVerimag and Reinhardvon Hanxle-den from Kiel University for providing references to related work. 

.This work was performed while the author was on an internship at 

Cadence Research Laboratories. 

2150 ShattuckAvenue, 10th Floor Berkeley, CA 94704, USA 

property (IP) issues, designs are built in a modular man-ner. In block diagrams, modularity manifests as hierarchy, where a diagram of atomic blocks can be encapsulated into a macro block, which itself can be connected with other blocks and further encapsulated. For IP issues, the internal structure of a macro block may be “hidden” from its user. 

In such a context, modular code generation becomes a critical issue, and this is the goal of this paper. By modular we mean: .rst, code for a macro block should be generated independently from context, that is, without knowing where (i.e., in which diagrams) this block is going to be used; sec-ond, the macro block should have minimal knowledge about its sub-blocks. Ideally, sub-blocks should be seen as “black boxes” supplied with some interface information. 

Current code generation practice is not modular: typi-cally the diagram is .attened, that is, hierarchyis removed and only atomic blocks are left. Then a dependencyanal-ysis is performed to check for dependency cycles within a synchronous instant: if there are none, code can be gener-ated by statically ordering the execution of atomic blocks so that all dependencies are respected.3 Clearly, .attening destroys modularity and results in IP issues. It also impacts performance since all methods compute on the entire .at di-agram which can be very large. Moreover, the hierarchical structure of the diagram is not preserved in the code, which makes the code dif.cult to read and modify. 

To remedy this, we propose several methods to regain modularity.Themainideaisto generate,foragivenblock, not just one “step” function that computes the outputs (and updates the state, if any) from the inputs, but a set of in-terface functions, each evaluating part of the block and/or computing part of the outputs. A set of dependencies be-tween these functions is also exported: these specify the correct usage of the interface, that is, the order in which 

3Cyclic diagrams can also be handled, e.g., see [4, 8, 6]. This is useful in some applications (e.g., digital circuits)butavoidedin others (e.g., em-bedded control). In this paper we consider diagrams that, if .attened, are acyclic. 

the functions should be called. 

Using this approach, modularity becomes a notion, that can be measured by the size of the interface of a block (number of interface functions and their depen-dencies): the smaller the interface, the more modular it is. In the best case the block has just one step function (plus “init” if the block has memory). The price to pay for mod-ularity is reusability: the smaller the interface, the greater the chances to create dependency cycles when attempting to use the block in a certain diagram, and thus reject the diagram.4 Nevertheless, in this paper we propose the so-called “dynamic” method which allows to achieve maximal reusability (i.e., accept all diagrams that are acyclic when .attened) while generating a minimal number of interface functions per block. Moreover, the dynamic method gener-ates at most n +1 interface functions per block, where n is the number of outputs of the block. The dynamic method has polynomial worst-case time complexity. 


Code generation for notations with synchronous seman-tics has received great attention, especially from the syn-chronous language community (e.g., see [2, 8]). Modular code generation, however, has been much less studied, in fact, it is often considered to be impossible in the general case. This is true if we restrict ourselves to single-function interfaces,but not if we allow multi-function interfaces, as we show here. 

The need for multi-function interfaces has been realized in[9,3,5].[9,5]startfromavery .ne-graininterfacewhere every atomic operator is mapped to an interface function, and then use methods to reduce the number of functions by “clustering” operators together. This approach generates a larger number of interface functions than our dynamic ap-proach. It is also unclear how expensive their grouping al-gorithms are. Our algorithms are polynomial in time. [3] discuss a method that clusters operators depending on the same set of inputs. Their discussion is rather informal and does not address the issues of maximal reusability, number of generated interface functions, and complexity of algo-rithms. None of the above works use the concept of Moore-sequential blocks (see Section 2) which allows to extend the classof diagrams that canbe handledby single-function interfaces, while maintaining a high degree of modularity. 

Multi-function interfaces are also used in the simula-tion environment Ptolemy, where each “actor” (essentially block) must implement a set of functions such as “”, “.re”, “” and so on [6]. However, the set of inter-face functions is .xed and does not depend on the internal structure of the macro block, as in our approach. Also, in 

4Contrasting modularity to reusability may appear shocking. However, it should be clear that reusability requires information about the internals of a block. In the extreme case, the most reusable block is a “white box” which reveals all the information about it. This is clearly not modular. 

our case, interface functions of sub-blocks are called at most onceper instant,ina statically determined order,whereasin Ptolemytheycanbe called multiple times untila.x-pointis reached: this allows Ptolemy to handle dependency cycles whereas we don’t. 

Less relatedaretheworks[7,1]which considertheprob-lem of distribution of synchronous programs. Distribution does not necessarily imply modularity: for instance, one may look at the entire program (e.g., .atten it) in order to distributeit, whichisthe approachtakenintheworksabove. Aformal model for the distribution of Simulink programs is proposed in [12], however, multi-function interfaces are not considered. 

Different notions of “modular” compilation are studied in [11, 10]. [11] consider the partial evaluation of Esterel programs: theygenerate code that tries to compute as many outputs as possible, while some inputs may be still un-known. [10] consider a language similar to Esterel called Quarz and its compilation to a target “job language”. 

To our knowledge, commercial code generators, such as the Real Time Workshop and Embedded Coder for Simulink and the DO-178B certi.ed code generator for SCADE, offer limited, if any, modular code generation ca-pabilities. For instance, RTWEC for Simulink provides a feature called “Function with separate data” but does not seem to generate multiple interface functions per block, nei-ther a dependencyinterface, both of which are essential in our methods. 

2 Synchronous block diagrams 

The notation is based on a set of blocks that can be con-nected to form diagrams, as illustrated in Figure 1. Blocks are either atomic or macro (i.e. composite) blocks. Each block has a number of input ports (possibly zero) and a number of output ports (possibly zero). Diagrams are formed by connecting the output port of a block A to the inputportofablock B (B can be the same as A). An output port can be connected to more than one input ports. How-ever, an input port can only be connected to a single output. 

A macro block encapsulates a block diagram into a block. The blocks forming the block diagram are called the internal blocks of the macro block, or its sub-blocks. The connections between blocks (“wires”) are called sig-nals.Likeanatomicblock,a macroblockhasasetofinput and output ports. Upon encapsulation: each input port of the macro block is connected to one or more inputs of its internal blocks, or to an output port of the macro block; and each output port of the macro block is connected to exactly one port, either an output port of an internal block, or an input of the macro block. Combinational, sequential and Moore-sequential blocks Each atomic block A is pre-classi.ed as either combi-Figure 1. Atomic and macro blocks (left); structure 

of Moore-sequential block (right). 

national (state-less) or sequential (having internal state). Some sequential blocks are Moore-sequential. Every out-put of a Moore-sequential block depends only on the state, not on the inputs.Forexamplea unit-delay block that stores the input and provides it as output in the next instant is a Moore-sequential block. On the other hand, an integrator block that outputs the sum of its input at all past instants is a non-Moore sequential block. 

A macro block is combinational iff all its sub-blocks are combinational; otherwise it is sequential. Asequential macroblockis Moore-sequentialiffeverypathfromanout-put port backwards towards the inputs eventually “meets” the outputofaMoore-sequential sub-block.Forexample,in Figure 1, if block A is Moore-sequential then macro block P is also Moore-sequential. 

Every Moore-sequential macro block A has a structure as shown in Figure 1. There is a frontier dividing the in-ternal diagram of A in two parts, a left and a right part. This frontier contains all Moore-sequential blocks (called frontier blocks)that are “met” by the backwards paths de-scribed above. The right part contains all blocks that are visited in one of these paths. The left part contains all re-maining blocks. 

Notice that a block with no outputs is by de.nition Moore-sequential. Such a block has no paths from the out-puts, thus it has no frontier blocks and no right blocks either: all its sub-blocks are left blocks. Similarly a block with no inputs is also Moore-sequential. Flattening A diagram is .at if it contains only atomic blocks. A .attening procedure can be used to transform a hierarchical block diagram into a .at one: (1) We start with the top-level diagram (which may consist of a single macro block).(2)Wepicka macro block A and we replace it by its internal diagram. While doing so, we re-institute anyconnections that would be lost: If an input port p of A is connected externally to an output port q and internally to an input port r, then we connect q to r directly. Similarly for output ports of A. (3) If there are no more macro blocks left, we are done. 

Block-based dependency analysis and acyclic diagrams 

We use different types of dependency analysis in this pa-per. The one described here is standard: we use it only for the purpose of giving semantics to a diagram. We assume the diagramis .at.We constructa block-based dependency graph,the nodesof which areall blocksinthe diagram.For each block A that is not Moore-sequential, for each block B with some input connected to an output of A, we add a directed edge from A to B.Wesaythata diagramis acyclic if, once we .atten it andbuild its block-based dependency graph,we.ndthatthisgraphhasnocycles. Anothertypeof dependencyanalysis, used for code generation, is described in Section 3.1. Semantics We only assign semantics to .at, acyclic dia-grams. We use the standard synchronous semantics. Each signal x of the diagram is interpreted as a total function 

x : N → Vx, where N = {1, 2, 3, ...} and Vx isa setof values: x(k) denotes the value of signal k at time instant 


If x is an input this value is determined by the envi-ronment, otherwise it is determined by the (unique) block that produces x. Since the diagram is acyclic there exists a well-de.ned order of computing the values of all signals in a given instant based on the current inputs and possibly thevaluesof signalsintheprevious instants, encodedinthe state of blocks. 

3 Modular code generation 

We describe several methods. Theyall .t into a generic code generation scheme. The inputs to this scheme are: (1) A macro block P and its internal block diagram; (2) The pro.le of each sub-block of P (explained below). The out-puts of the code generation scheme are: (1)A pro.le for 

P . (2) The implementation of each function listed in the pro.le of P . This implementation can be done in a certain programming languagesuchasC++,Java,etc.For simplic-ity, we use pseudo-code in this paper. Pro.le of a block The block pro.le contains the necessary information for the user of a block. Both atomic and macro blocks have pro.les. The pro.le of a block A contains: 


The type of A: whether A is combinational, Moore-sequential or non-Moore sequential. (2)Alist of interface functions and their signatures. (3) A pro.le dependency graph (PDG) that describes the correct order in which these functions are to be called at every synchronous instant. We give several examples of block pro.les in the sequel. Object-oriented code The code we generate is object-oriented: for each block P we build a class in a certain object-oriented language (C++, Java, ...). The public meth-ods of this class correspond to the interface functions of P . The class of P also contains a set of internal (private) vari-ables: there is an internal variable for each output port of P ;there is also an internal variable for each internal signal 

of P . All these variables are persistent meaning theymain-tain their values across execution of the different interface functions. Code generation steps Code generation is performed in three major steps: (1) Classi.cation: in this step the in-put macro block P is classi.ed as combinational, Moore-sequential or non-Moore sequential, as explained in Sec-tion 2. (2) Dependency analysis: this step (described in Section 3.1) determines whether there exists a valid execu-tion order of the interface functions of the sub-blocks of P . 

(3) Pro.legeneration: this is the main step, described in Section 3.2. 

3.1 Dependency analysis 

Dependency analysis consists in building a scheduling dependency graph (SDG) for the given macro block P and then checking that this graph does not contain anycycles. If the SDG containsacycle then P is rejected: this means that modular code generationfails and P needs to be .attened (the .at diagram may or may not contain cycles). Other-wise, we proceed to the code generation step. 

The SDG for P is built essentially by connecting the PDGs of all sub-blocks of P . In particular: 

For each sub-blockA of P , the SDG of P contains all nodes and edges of the PDG of A. The SDG of P has the following additional edges: If A and B are sub-blocks of P , such that an output port y of A is connected to an in-put port x of B, then: Let A.f() be the interface function of A producing output y: this function is guaranteed to be unique. Let B.g() be an interface function of B having as input x: in general there can be more than one such func-tions of B. For each such function B.g(), we add an edge A.f() → B.g() to the SDG of P . Example Figure 2 shows a block diagram with several blocks and the pro.les of blocks A, B (given as input) and P (generatedby our methods). Block A has only one inter-face function A.step() whileB has two functions, B.step() and B.get(). B.step() returns no output, while B.get() takes no input. The SDG for macro block P ,built as described above, is shown at the bottom of the .gure. 

3.2 Pro.le generation 

This step involves several sub-steps. The most important one is SDG clustering. Let G be the SDG of the macro block P (built during the dependencyanalysis step). G is clusteredintoasetof sub-graphs.Forexample:inFigure2 the SDG is clustered in two sub-graphs, called “left” and “right”;in Figure3theSDGis clusteredintwo sub-graphs (note that in this case the sub-graphs “overlap”). 

Each of the sub-graphs is going to be mapped into an interface function for P : this function calls all sub-block 

Figure 2. Diagram, pro.les and SDGs 

interface functions that belong to its sub-graph. Depen-dencies between nodes of G induce dependencies between its sub-graphs: a sub-graph Gi depends on Gj , denoted Gj → Gi, if there are two nodes vi in Gi and vj in Gj such that vi → vj in G. A dependency between sub-graphs is mapped into a dependency between the corresponding in-terface functions, and this is how the PDG of P is gener-ated. For example, in Figure 2 the two sub-graphs “left” and “right” are mapped into P.step() and P.get(), respec-tively. The PDG of P is shown in the .gure: it contains a dependencyP.get() → P.step() inducedby the dependency B.get() → B.step(). 

Clustering must meet certain requirements: (1) it must not create cyclic dependencies between sub-graphs; (2) it must not create new input-output dependencies, that were not already induced by G: we call these false dependen-cies. Requirement (1) must be satis.ed in all cases, other-wise the method is obviously invalid (since the PDG of P containscycles, thus P is unusable). Requirement (2) is es-sential for achieving maximal reusability: false dependen-cies mayresult in dependencycycles when using the block, and consequently rejections of the corresponding diagrams. Requirement (2) may be sometimes violated, as a trade-off of reusability for modularity, that is, in order to reduce the numberof interface functions that are generated foragiven block.Wegiveexamplesof this laterin this paper. 

In what follows, we describe different methods for per-forming the steps of clustering in particular and pro.le gen-eration in general. These methods result in different trade-offs between modularity and reusability. 

3.2.1 The “dynamic” method 

This method achieves maximal reusability: it uses a clus-tering that is guaranteed to create no false dependencies. 

As a result, this method accepts all acyclic diagrams. The method is also optimal with respect to modularity (given the constraint that nofalse dependencies be created): this means no more interface functions than strictly necessary are generated. Finally, the method is guaranteed to generate no more than n +1 interface functions in the worst case, where n is the number of outputs of the block. 

Clustering in the dynamic method is performed accord-ing to the following steps: Input-output dependency analysis Let P be the macro block for which we need to generate code. We .rstbuild the bipartite input-output dependency graph (BIODG) for 

P . Let the set of outputs of P be Y = {y1, ..., yn}. For each yi the BIODG of P captures the set of inputs of P that yi depends upon: yi depends on a given input x if there is a path in the SDG of P starting at some node f that takes x as input and ending in the (unique) node that produces yi as output. Notice that some outputs may not depend upon anyinput: this is the case in Moore-sequential blocks, for instance. This analysis has polynomialworst-case complex-ity O(m · n · b · l) where m is the number of inputs of P , n the number of outputs, b is the total number of interface functions of P ’s sub-blocks, and l is the number of links in the diagram. Output partitioning The set of outputs Y is partitioned into the minimal number of k disjoint subsets Y1, ..., Yk, such that for each i =1, ..., k, all outputs in Yi depend on the same set of inputs. This can also be done in polynomial time O(m · n2). We denote by Xi the set of inputs that Yi depends upon. Clustering in the dynamic method The SDG G of P is clustered into a number of sub-graphs: For each i ∈ {1, ..., k}, we build a sub-graph Gi of G. We add to Gi all nodes needed to produce an output in Yi, even if these nodes have also been included in another sub-graph. If, at the end of the aboveprocedure, there are still nodes of G not included in anyof the k sub-graphs, webuild an additional sub-graph Gk+1 and add all remaining nodes to it. Build-ing each graph Gi can be done in time O(b · l), so the total complexity of this step is O(n · b · l). 

As an example, the SDG of block P of Figure2is clus-teredbytheabove methodinexactlytwo sub-graphs, “left” and “right”, as shown in the .gure. In this example, k =1. The right sub-graph corresponds to G1 and the left sub-graph to G2. In fact, it can be seen that for any Moore-sequential block, the above clustering procedure results in exactly two sub-graphs: k =1 since no output depends upon anyinput; and an additional sub-graph G2 is need to update the state of the block. 

Anotherexampleof clusteringis shownin Figure3.We assume all internal blocks A, B, C are combinational and each has one interface function, denoted in the .gure as A.s, B.s, C.s, for A.step(), B.step() and C.step(). In this 

example, the SDG of P is clustered in two sub-graphs. 

Figure 3. Illustration of the dynamic method. 

As shown by this example, the dynamic clustering method may result in a node f being included in more than one sub-graphs. This means that the interface function cor-responding to f (f is an interface function of some sub-block of P )can be called by more than one interface func-tions of P . However, an interface function should be called exactly once per synchronous instant. To achieve this, we use a set of counters de.ned below. Assigning modulo counters to internal interface func-tions For each interface function f of a sub-block of P , let Nf be the number of sub-graphs Gi that the node cor-responding to f is included in. If Nf > 1 then we create a modulo-Nf counter for f: the counter “wraps” to zero when its value reaches Nf . Each such counter is part of the persistent internal variables of the class of P . The counter for f serves to indicate whether f has already been called in the current instant: f has been called iffits modulo counter is greater than zero. Interface function implementation At the end of the SDG clustering step we are left with k or k +1 sub-graphs of G. Then: 

(1)For each sub-graph Gi, for i =1, ..., k, we generate an interface function 

P.get_i( X_i ) returns ( Y_i ); 

If sub-graph Gk+1 exists, we generate an interface function 

P.step( Xs ) returns void; 

where Xs is the set of inputs that the nodes in Gk+1 depend upon. 

(2) The implementationof interface functionP.get i() or P.step() is obtained by serializing the corresponding sub-graph Gi usingatopological sort algorithm.Wethen call all functions in Gi in the order determinedby this serialization and store results in internal signal variables. Every call to a method f that has Nf > 1 is guarded by the condition cf =0, where cf is the modulo counter associated with f. PDG generation The nodes of the PDG of P are all inter-face functions for P generated above. If there is no func-tionP.step() then the PDGof P contains no edges. If there is such a function, then the dependencygraph contains an edgeP.get i() → P.step() for each interface functionP.get i() of P . 

Consider again the example of Figure 3. Function A.step() is included in both sub-graphs that are generated byclustering, thus this function has an associated modulo-2 counter c A step. Two interface functions for P are gener-ated, as shown below: 

P.get_1( x1, x2 ) returns y_1 { 

if (c_A_step = 0) { 

(z1, z2) := A.step( x2 ); 

c_A_step := (c_A_step + 1) modulo 2; 

y1 := B.step( x1, z1 ); 

return y1; 

P.get_2( x2, x3 ) returns y_2 { 

if (c_A_step = 0) { 

(z1, z2) := A.step( x2 ); 

c_A_step := (c_A_step + 1) modulo 2; 

y2 := C.step( z2, x3 ); 

return y2; 

The PDG of P contains two independent nodes, for P.get 1() andP.get 2(), respectively. The init() function For a sequential blockP , an additional function, P.init(), is generated to initialize the state of P . P.init() calls A.init() for every sub-blockA of P that is se-quential (therefore must also have init() in its interface). The init() functions of sub-blocks of P are called in an ar-bitrary order.P.init()is not includedin the PDGof P since it is called only upon initialization. 

3.2.2 The “step-get” method 

This method achieves a high degree of modularity: it gen-erates two interface functions for Moore-sequential blocks, like the dynamic method;but onlya single interface func-tion for other blocks. This means that the clustering of non-Moore-sequential blocksistrivial:it generatesasinglesub-graph identical to the original SDG. In fact, this method does not need clustering at all, since Moore-sequential blocks can always be split into “left” and “right” sub-graphs. 

This method obviously cannot guarantee maximal reusability, since it may createfalse dependencies in non-Moore-sequential blocks. However, it still allows to extend theclassofblocksthatcanbe handledaccurately,forexam-ple, the one shown in Figure 2. 

3.2.3 Other methods 

Other methods could be developed following the princi-ples described above. For example, [9] and [5] start with a .ne-grain clustering where every node of the SDG is a sub-graph, and then apply techniques to group nodes into coarser classes. As long as the classes remain disjoint, this approach may result in a larger number of interface func-tions than our approach. For example, to achieve maximal reusabilityfortheexampleofFigure3using disjoint classes of nodes, one would need three interface functions, one for each sub-block of P . 

4 Conclusions and future work 

We have presented several modular code generation methods for synchronous block diagrams. The main trade-offis modularity in terms of the number of interface func-tions per block vs. reusability in terms of the class of dia-grams that canbe accepted.Weare currentlyevaluating this and other trade-offsin termsof code quality (size,execution time, etc.).Weare also studyingextensionsto other typesof diagrams and further modular code generation techniques. 


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